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Day 3

Thank you for your patience while we have been away from thr blog the past couple of days! We have been enjoying spending time with each other and with our host families. 

On day 3 of the trip, we had the pleasure of speaking to Daniel Alvarado and Mario Polanco at the Group of Mutual Support (GAM). This organization started with the goal to find people that disappeared during the Civil War. They aim to provide support to people whose family members have most likely been kidnapped or killed, and to seek justice for those who have lost a loved one. 

We also got to hear our professor Dr. Commins give a presentation at CEDEPCA about immigration in the United States. She provided insight on how our country's administration impacts the world around us.

Before we left for our homestays, we visited a Muslim Community. They welcomed us into their mosque, and shared how they use their faith to serve the community. Their goal is to serve people, and work with other religions through inter-faith conferences in order to do so. Below is a picture of our panel from Comunidad Muslumana Ahmadia.

We are excited to share more pictures and travel updates with you soon! 


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